Spring Well-Being
Breaking Through Your Relationship and
Break-up Trauma
A Group For Healing & Growth Following Interpersonal Trauma:
Grieving the end of a relationship is hard enough. When you factor in trauma you may have experienced throughout your relationship, you may find that feelings of sadness, anxiety, and intrusive thoughts significantly interfere with your ability to focus on what matters most to you. You might also be questioning what is means to be in a relationship and wondering if you'll ever be able to trust or risk loving again.
Process feelings about your break-up in a safe space amongst supportive peers.
Learn about relationship trauma and coping skills.
Improve your confidence and hopes for the future.
Wednesday 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm
Location: Virtual
Group Leader: Bella Bowers, ALPC
Get Started:
1st Step: Schedule a 20 minute initial phone consultation with Bella
2nd Step: Schedule your psychological assessment and orientation to group therapy
3rd Step: You're ready to start group and begin getting to know your fellow group members!
($70.00 per session)
For questions, please call 470-308-6119 or email bella@springpsychologicalservices.com